Thank you! List of current and past Mentors
WCBVI and the State of Wisconsin would like to express gratitude to the vision professionals in Wisconsin who trained to mentor new teachers of the blind and visually impaired (TVIs) and orientation and mobility specialists (O&Ms).
THANK YOU for your commitment and dedication to quality education for Wisconsin students who are blind and visually impaired!
The WCBVI Mentoring Program began in 2016 as a way to support new and returning TVIs and O&Ms in Wisconsin. The mentoring program matches newly licensed TVIs, first year TVIs and O&Ms who have completed an approved program, and TVIs and O&Ms who are new to the state or re-entering the profession, with experienced vision professionals in Wisconsin schools.
Current Mentors
Courtney Franz
Tim Gehring
Melissa Gordon-Kowsky
Susan Juarez
Cindy Lambert
Naomi Padjen
Debi Walters
Dawn Weaver
Past Mentors
Tim Bauman
Cortney Bell
Debby Dear
Joe Kowsky
Lauren Rosenbergh
Shannon Sheffer
Micaela Smith
Trudy Stachowiak
Nancy Sterling