Statewide Low Vision and Refraction Clinics
“I just wanted to reach out to thank the team for the wonderful information we received for our student at the clinic last week. His mom was blown away by all the positive information and tools that were suggested.” ~WI TVI
“Thanks for a great clinic! One parent told me that the sun filters were “life-changing”.” ~WI TVI

NEW for 2024-25 Online fillable forms!
We have a new, easier online system for completing the TVI and parent/guardian forms. The forms will be sent by email and securely completed through DocuSign. First, the parent/guardian will complete their portion of the forms. Next, the forms will be routed to the TVI to complete their portion.
Statewide Low Vision Clinics and Refraction Clinics for the 2024-25 school year:
October 9, 2024 Plymouth, WI
November 13, 2024 Manitowoc, WI
December 11, 2024 Plymouth, WI
January 15, 2025 Janesville, WI WCBVI
To register students, use our online referral form: WCBVI Vision Clinics Referral Form
The information you provide will help determine the number and location of clinics offered during the 2025-26 school year. Specific clinic locations and dates will be determined after all clinic referrals are received and evaluated. It is your responsibility to notify your student’s family that you are making this referral.
Please refer only those students who you think are likely to attend the clinics. It will also be helpful if you share Vision Clinic information with your colleagues, especially if they are new to the process. We can plan a clinic in your district or CESA area if 4-6 students are referred.
Please notify us if a student needs to be removed from the referral process.
PLEASE NOTE: WCBVI Vision Clinics do not replace routine eye care exams. All students attending the clinics must provide the most recent ocular report from their personal eye care practitioner. Reports from previous WCBVI Vision Clinics cannot substitute for this ocular report. To be eligible for a clinic, students must be eligible for services under the disability category Blind and Visually Impaired.
If you have questions about WCBVI Clinics, please send an email to: